Details for
Wands for Life

Other than Wands for Wildlife, you could also check with your state's Wildlife Rehabilitator Association, Animal Help Now, local zoos,
aquariums or wildlife facilities, and more on how you or your family could
get involved at a local level, perhaps initiating your
own campaign!
Here are other ways about how you or your family could help,
as well as general tips:
FAQ's -
All types of wands are great, from the small narrow wands, to the soft bristle wands, to the angled wands- all serve and are great for different purposes. The tightly packed bristles in all wands make it ideal to help with wildlife in various ways, some including with removing fly eggs and larva from fur and feathers, with grooming, and also with the cleaning of some different equipment.
How To Clean Your Wand -
For the base of the wand, simply take a Q-tip, and wipe the inside, ridding any clumps. You could also wipe around the outer part or take a Lysol wipe or Make-Up Remover wipe to clean the outside handle.
For the applicator, you could take rubbing alcohol and directly spray it onto the brush, or pour some into a jar and dip the bristles in. Dawn dish soap could also be a main-or-helper cleaner for all. Wrap a clean paper towel around the brush and rub and twist it. If there's any residue left, you could repeat any above steps until clean.
Other Ways You Could Use Your Used Mascara Wand -
Separate your eyelashes before or after applying your favorite mascara for added effect
Combat flying hairs and tame little bits of fizz
Eyebrow brush
Exfoliate your lips
Fingernail(s) hygiene brush
Regular cleaning brush for tiny surfaces
Donate (below)… for wildlife uses!
Here is the direct link, again, to send the mascara wands to after you've checked the detail donations on their site -
Whether you're ready to donate or not, it’s easiest is if you simply get a plastic sandwich-sized bag or of any size, (you can do so now), print the document, (which you can also now), fold the document and put it with the print facing out and inside the plastic bag- and simply leave the bag underneath or near-and-around your mascara (or just somewhere in your makeup area), that way you’ll remember during the time when it’s time to replace your mascara that you’ll have that as a reminder and also a proactive convenience.(What you could also do after is print another document right away after you send in your mascara wand(s), and/or print a few copies to have them in the bag or lying around so anyone in your household doesn't forget!
Video to Learn More: